Welcome to Green Field Angus Ranch
We are a 4th generation ranch in northwestern ND. Ralph Greenfield transitioned from a dairy herd to beef herd in the late 1950's. We started our registered Angus herd in 2000 with the purchase of 12 handpicked cows from 3 different ranches in ND (Schaff Angus Ranch, North Star Angus, and Glasoes Angus). From these cows we have increased our registered herd size to over 100 and now produce around 25 yearling Angus bulls for sale by private treaty each year. We also maintain a commercial herd of 200 black and red cows and occasionally offer open and bred heifers for sale as well.
We look forward to continually increasing the quality of our herd through a mixture of maintaining proved-traditions as well incorporating new and exciting ideas.
Green Field Angus Ranch welcomes you to visit our ranch anytime!